The foundation of sustainability for H Æ N E P L D N is the commitment to Regenerative agriculture as a conservation and rehabilitation approach to food and farming systems. It focuses on topsoil regeneration, increasing bio-diversity, improving the water cycle, enhancing ecosystem services, supporting bio-sequestration, strengthening the health and vitality of farm soil, and increasing resilience to climate change.

E N V I R O N M E N T A L L Y 

S U S T A I N A B L E 

In 2019 the founder of H Æ N E P L O N D O N began an independent and curiosity led research project to promote a special bast fibre that creates extraordinary social, economic & environmental opportunities for the development of modern textiles.

The H Æ M A R K name and trademark stands for sustainability and authenticity, a guarantee that a fabric or garment carrying the name is traceable to the origin, naturally grown and comes from a quality-controlled source of supply,  integrity and provenance.

H Æ N E P L D N has a unique supply and distribution pipeline from fibre to the final product. Due to the selection of  H Æ M A R K fibre & yarn blends, coupled with exclusive manufacturing partners; we can trace garments directly back to their origin. The high level of attention to detail performed in every stage enables the customer to wear a unique H Æ M A R K  garment made from regenerative fibres with minimal environmental impact and one that is renewable, recyclable and biodegradable.

H Æ N E P L D N sources fibre from trusted and authentic origins with traceability of bast and other regenerative fibres such as wool and animal welfare standards. Sustainable farming practices will continue to be at the forefront for our fibre producers, coupled with reducing the environmental footprint to leave the land in good condition for generations to come.

H Æ N E P L D N prides itself on a high level of attention to detail, from fibre selection each season to spinning, weaving, dyeing and finishing to ensure the customer receives a high-quality H Æ M A R K product - one that will last for years.

W H Y 

R E G E N E R A T I V E 


No additional water is required to irrigate hɛmp which makes it the ultimate regenerative crop for arid climates having little or no rain. With new disruptive technologies entering the market, the processing of hɛmp fibre also requires significantly less water usage and produces lower CO2 emissions than traditional methods.

Hɛmp has been scientifically proven to absorb more CO2 per hectare than any forest or commercial crop and is therefore the ideal carbon sink. In addition, the CO2 is permanently bonded within the fibre. 

No harmful chemical fertilisers are used to grow hɛmp and traditionally hɛmp has also been grown to remove toxic metals and stabilize the soil in regions where there is a high chance of soil erosion. 

Hɛmp is found growing wild in many parts of the world and doesn't require any insecticides or pesticides. It is biodiversity-friendly in terms of species numbers and in competition of nutrients with wildland. 

Hɛmp textile fibre is 100% natural, bio-degradable & recyclable which means no harmful microplastics are released into landfills, water systems or oceans.